My Terms

“We are what we think.  All that we are arises with our thoughts.  With our thoughts, we make our world.” ~Buddha
I have had the fortune of being raised to follow my heart, do what is right, stand up for what I believe in and to know that even in failure that is a measure of success.  There are times when I feel as though I have had more failure than success, but as I look back, I realize that it’s from my failures where I have found more insight and strength than I ever thought imaginable.  
I am the kind of person who can’t do anything half way and the result of this character ‘flaw’ is that I end up caring too damn much.  Though I thought that this was truly a personality flaw, my mom helped me realize that this is how she and my dad raised me, to become a woman of integrity and heart.  Even though there are forces out there in the big scary world, I believe that the things I produce and leave behind in this world are worth so much more than an “atta girl” or public recognition.  I am the kind of person who tries to put 100% (sometimes more, if that’s possible) of myself into everything that I do.  Just like most people, I do fall short, but I continue to try.  I am, if anything, tenacious. 
So, what does this mean for my future?  It means that I do what I do best.  Live the life that I continue to shape for myself.  There are days that test me more than others, but in the end, I know that I am living my life on my terms.  I intend to live my life to it’s absolute fullest.  I will hang on and enjoy the far it’s been an amazing winding road and I expect that to continue!


  1. You said it girl. I love your picture look so friendly. Be true to thyself and you will be happy. It sounds so simple but you'd be surprised at how many people simply don't get it.

  2. You make my heart happy. Just so you know.

  3. Very cool blog bit sis! I am glad to hear you have embarked on a new journey of love and exploration -life is what you make - so make it GRRRREAT!!!


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